Global Mobile Phone Market Up 15%

Vendors shipped 306m units in Q2, up 15% as vendors experiment with mid-range and high-end with GPS, touchscreen, and multimedia. Smartphones are up 40% Y-to-Y while the rest grows at 10%. But the line between smartphones and feature phones is quickly blurring….

Europe saw soft demand for high-end, and MEA had high demand for entry-level.

In Q2, leader Nokia shipped 122m.

Go IDC’s Q2 Mobile Phones

China CE Revenue to Overtake Europe, USA

From the same study comes this “Olympic-size” news: CE revenues in China will hit $100 billion by 2009--and surpass W. Europe and No. America in 2009 to 2010.

Says the GfK/CEA study, in 2008 China will account for nearly 15% of global CE revenue, trailing No. America (22% share) and W. Europe (16%). Asia will grow 16.5% in revenue in 2008 (W. Europe only 2.39%, No. America only 4.9%).

So if foreign producers lose out on China, it won’t be easy for them to end up as global industry leaders. If Chinese brands hang onto their local hold, the next step for them would be to expand globally.

Go China to Become World’s Largest CE Market

WW CE Market Up 10% in 2008

Globally CE will grow nearly 10% this year and reach USD $700 billion by 2009, says a GfK/CEA study. BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India and China) will lead the way as consumers spend $42 billion more on CE products in 2009.

Mobility with 1.5 billion units in 2008 will be the largest category. Within that category, portable navigation devices (GPS) will grow revenue nearly 20% in 2008 while laptop computers will go up 15% and mobile phones/smartphones up 14%.

Go GfK/CEA on World Sales

4th Annual Euro Navigation Event


GPSThe fourth European Navigation Event will take at the High Tech Campus in Eindhoven, Netherlands on Oct. 7-8th.

The trade will be able to meet the industry and to hear the relevant trends for their business. In parallel to the seminar and the exhibition, vendors of PND’s, mobile GPS phones and in dash systems will compete against each other in an innovative rally, to win the international GPS rally cup.

GPS2On CE will join as a Media Sponsor.

Go European Navigation Event

Nokia Reports on Q1

In Q1 2008, the total mobile device volume of Nokias Devices & Services group reached 115.5 million units, representing 27% Y-to-Y growth. The overall industry volume for the same period reached an estimated 295 million units, representing 17% growth.

Nokia shipped close to 10 million Nokia Nseries and almost 2 million Nokia Eseries devices during the first quarter 2008.

(million units)Q1 2008Q1 2007YoY Change (%)Q4 2007

QoQ Change (%)

Middle East & Africa20.215.728.723.6-14.4
North America2.64.8- 45.85.1-49.0
Latin America11.97.363.013.4-11.2
Total115.591.126.8133.5- 13.5

Nokia's market share for the Q1 2008 was 39%, compared with 36% in the first quarter 2007 and 40% in the fourth quarter 2007.

Their device average selling price (ASP) in Q1 2008 was EUR 79, down from EUR 89 in Q1 2007 and down from EUR 83 in Q4 2007. The lower year on year ASP was primarily due to selling a higher proportion of lower priced products and to a lesser extent the negative impact of the US dollar.

Go Nokia Q1 Report

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